Rapid Fire

Comedian’s ammo comes from everyday events

Carla Zvosec

Carlos Mencia is not for the weak. Firing off potshots aimed at blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians and every other race, Mencia is not afraid to spew his hilarious insights and distinct viewpoints. And the funniest part is, he nails it dead-on: the quirks, the absurdities, the anomalies of today's everyday life are the fodder from which Mencia feeds his mind and his comedy. With an act that is best described as one continuous, rapid-fire rant, Mencia is rambunctious and loud and in your face, not letting any opportunity for comment pass by.

Born No. 17 of 18 kids, it's no surprise that Mencia developed a knack for seeing the humorous side of things. But it wasn't until coming within one credit of graduating from Cal State while working full time at Farmers' Insurance that Mencia decided to give an amateur comedy mic night a shot. Just a month later, he was showcased at The Comedy Store, resulting in his becoming a regular featured comic there. That began a string of appearances for Mencia, which eventually led to his own Comedy Central specials, the most recent of which, Mind of Mencia, was aired this month.

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