
Congrats, Best Wishes and All That Other Good Stuff

Fatemah Emamzadeh, public relations manager at MGM-Mirage, but better known as the MGM-Grand's nightlife czarina, will be stepping down soon as she and her husband, Frank Lazzara, prepare for the birth of their first child in early September. Emamzadeh has overseen the permanent shows, theater headliners, lounges and clubs for three and a half years. Stepping into her Manolo Blahniks will be Erin Randell, who had previously been with Mandalay Bay, in charge of PR for, among other things, the property's popular Beach Concert series and Shark Reef. Mandalay Bay merged with MGM-Mirage last year.

Hook, Line and Sinker

Ariel fetishists can be excused for shedding tears this month as the Silverton recently ended Azure, its mermaid show held inside its 117,000-gallon aquarium, with plans for more "progressive entertainment," according to Moranda Stephens, publicist for the property. We hope that's not "progressive" in the political sense, because we're really not ready to watch Howard Dean or Pinkie Reid in swim trunks.

We Can See Our House from There

The Rio's Voodoo Lounge might have been passed over in our Readers' Choice Awards but AOL's Vegas surfers just named it the best bar in town and the best outdoor drinking spot, narrowly beating out the parking lot behind the Greyhound station in the second category. We're kidding—it really beat out Ghostbar and Nine Fine Irishmen for best bar and Ghostbar and Pure for best outdoor drinking. That parking lot wasn't even nominated. For more results in more categories than we have fingers and toes (at least since that chain-saw accident last fall) visit

Lure of the Orient

The nightclub magnet that is Tao continues to draw in folks from all over town. Jeff Manno, most recently assistant GM at the Rainbow Bar & Grill, will be Tao's nightclub manager right around March 27. Is he going to be working off the massive bill he racked up while celebrating a triple birthday there with his two brothers? Also making the move is Seamless promoter-partner Brandon Roque, who is now focusing his attention on Thursdays as the new marketing director for Thursday's Worship event. "It's a quality of life decision," says Roque, a former Light Group executive. "It's going to be a greater adventure for me." Roque is a longtime friend of Tao managing partners Jason Strauss and Noah Tepperberg. In addition to his new duties, Roque will serve as a VIP host to all professional athletes visiting the property. How's that for specialization?

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