Peggy Plots Your Planets

Peggy Allison


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

What does dreaming of a black spider mean—and if I dream of it with my ex-mother-in-law?

Leticia, 30

Lauri: Bugs often symbolize something "bugging" you. Spiders indicate deceit, a web of lies. Interesting your former mother-in-law was also in the dream. Do you not trust her or feel she was toxic to your marriage? Something from that marriage still bugs you and your dream tells you this so you can find closure, or make sure not to fall into that same "tangled web" of a relationship again. Good luck, sister friend!

Leticia replies: Since I wrote to you I found out my ex-mother- in-law isn't the person I thought she was. I never thought she was really involved, but apparently she was always putting her two cents in.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 20-April 19)

Happy birthday, little rams. Remember, during your birthday month you can wish for something you'd like to accomplish within the next year, but do it between the new moon and the full moon. You also may make a wish and set a goal for the month. Okay, more news, little ram. Solar eclipse coming up— the last eclipse in your sign until 2013. Those of you who have birthdays between March 24 and April 3 will feel this eclipse the strongest, but all of you will get a piece of it. It is just closer to those born four to five days before or four to five days after the eclipse. Eclipses bring change. They are not to be feared. On Saturday, Mercury ends its retrograde period and barrels ahead, so now you may launch new projects and get contracts ready to sign. Mr. Miscommunication will not be back until July 4.

(April 19-May 20)

Mars sends energy from the money department. A solar eclipse occurs in Aries on Wednesday, minutes after the new moon. Yes indeed, little bull, the sun and moon hold hands in your house of dreams. Mercury moves from retrograde to direct—full speed ahead. You can launch new projects and even move forward with those you have been working on behind the scenes. No more miscommunication until the Fourth of July. Venus and Mars send presents from the house of career to the money department. Could be time to ask for a raise. The sun is in Aries, so watch out for red flags. Spring has arrived, and you may feel things heat up a bit. Chat with groups, clubs and organizations. Share your ideas, hopes and wishes. The sun and the moon are giving you sweet dreams as they travel through Aries.

(May 21-June 21)

The new moon occurs next Wednesday and a few minutes later a solar eclipse starts in the sign of Aries. Mercury moves direct again on Saturday. Now that should be great news. No more miscommunication until the Fourth of July. Mars, the planet that rules Aries, lands in your sign, so it is chatty-chat time. Go with the flow. You are an air sign. Okay, little twin, here's an opportunity for travel as sister air sign Aquarius steps up your agenda. Mars gets a wink from Venus and you hear news from people who share your higher knowledge. Maybe a publisher from afar.

(June 21-July 22)

Okay, little crab, get ready for this. New moon is coming, so make a wish and set a goal. Mercury moves direct on Saturday and this should bring good news. No more miscommunication. Saturn is sending structure that will help you handle your money and what you value. A solar eclipse occurs in your house of career and this could light a fire or two. Someone could share a secret this week. Share your creative ideas and you may get an opportunity to chat with someone with higher knowledge. Neptune and Venus allow you to visualize new ideas that you can share. You may decide to redecorate as you get a yen for beautiful surroundings. Okay, build a sand castle and put your creativity into action.

(July 22-Aug. 22)

Go with the flow, little kitty—this is an exciting week. Mercury moves forward Saturday night. No more miscommunication. You can launch the new projects and sign contracts you have been sitting on for the past two weeks. Venus and Neptune hold hands. Share your daydreams with your partner. You may suddenly find yourself talking with your banker. A solar eclipse occurs in Aries on Wednesday, and if you are old enough, go back to March 29, 1987, and you can get a glimpse of what to expect from this event. My husband and I booked a cruise. This eclipse does occur in your house of long-distance travel. Relationships light up this week as Venus receives a wink from Mars. Now make a wish and set a goal before the next full moon. You have a new moon minutes before the eclipse on Wednesday. Smile little kitty. Good news flows your way.

(Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Dear little Virgo, a lunar eclipse played out in your sign two weeks ago, and now it is Aries' turn to host the solar eclipse. Yes indeed, Wednesday afternoon, shortly after the new moon. Mars and Venus are sending good news to your career house. Your day-to-day work should flow easily this week. Good news. Mercury moves direct and miscommunication clears up. You may suddenly hear from a partner from your past, or at least a past relationship. Mercury and Uranus get together. Unexpected news. This is the time to go for something you have been after. Do not be afraid. You have been spending a lot of time detailing and analyzing, and now Mercury has moved out of retrograde. You probably feel a little grounded. Well, so what? You are an earth sign. Plant a seed or two during the new moon.

(Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Jupiter and Neptune could bring a piece of good luck. Often this lineup brings a sudden change. Mars sends energy. Travel could be on your agenda. Mercury moves direct this week. No more miscommunication after Saturday. Great time to sign contracts or begin new projects. Saturn is building structure in your career department. Sing happy birthday to your Aries pals. They host the eclipse next Wednesday during the new moon in Aries. Make a wish and set a goal. The last time this particular eclipse occurred was March 29, 1987. If you are old enough, step back to that time and remember what it was like. Could bring a new job opportunity with your daily work. Expect the unexpected. In the communication department, all is good.

(Oct. 22-Nov. 22)

Mercury moves direct. This brings better communication. Now you are the detective, so back and scope this out. On Wednesday, we have a solar eclipse in Aries. If you are old enough, go back to March 29, 1987. Did this clip you from a few of your daily chores and bring in something new? Expect the unexpected. Venus and Neptune allow you to daydream and you may share this with family members. Mars winks at Venus, and you hear from someone in the real-estate business as well as those from home. Expect the unexpected in the department of love, fun and gambling. All is good. Venus and Neptune sometimes send you to your dream house. Some of my clients have moved with this aspect, while others have made major renovations. Now pull out your spyglass and get ready for the eclipse. Remember, eclipses do bring change of some sort.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You, the writer of the zodiac, should enjoy this week. Saturday evening, Mercury moves direct. No more miscommunication. Solar eclipse on Wednesday with the sun and moon in Aries. Wish a happy birthday to your Aries buddies, the host of the eclipse. Back on March 29, 1987, was the last time we had this eclipse. If you are old enough, search back and remember what occurred around this time for a hint of what to expect. This eclipse does occur in your fifth house of fun, love, luck, children and creativity. Share your dreams with others as you stroll down memory lane. Lady Luck is on your side. Fabulous communication with your relationships, both personal and business. It will be seven years before another eclipse occurs in Aries—a lunar eclipse in 2013.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 21)

Dear Capricorn, share your dreams and values with others. Your daily work is action-packed. Use your energy wisely. Mercury, the retrograde planet, changes directions again Saturday afternoon. This is a marvelous time to make changes. The eclipse that falls on Wednesday has not occurred since March 29, 1987. This exact eclipse will occur again on March 29, 2025. The Wednesday eclipse occurs in your fourth house of home and real estate. Could mean a move you and your family make from your home. I have seen this aspect with other eclipses in this fourth-house position. It has always been a change involving real estate, the home, roots of some sort, a major change. Many of you other little mountain goats just move into another home and others return home. Eclipses bring change in some way.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 20)

Mercury moves direct on Saturday. No more miscommunication. Now you can begin your new projects. Aries, you are celebrating your birthday this month and on Wednesday you also will host the solar eclipse with the sun and moon in your sign. This eclipse lands in the third house of your chart. Go back to March 29, 1987, if you are old enough, and you may see what to expect from the eclipse. A love relationship flows in this week when Mars gets together with Venus. This is also a wonderful time for creative ventures and for taking a little time out for fun. This is the week with sudden good news in the department of real estate and other personal possessions you value. Saturn sends structure to build and get organized in the relationship department. Pluto—Mr. Business and the power planet—allows you to join groups, clubs and organizations. Share a few ideas and tell others about your hopes and wishes. The new moon says it is time to make a wish and set your monthly goal.

(Feb. 20-March 22)

There's action on the homefront, little fish. Share your daydreams. Venus and Neptune hold hands. Mars sends a wink from the homefront and all is great. Eclipse in Aries. Now this has not occurred since March 29, 1987. Nineteen years ago. This eclipse will occur again on the same day 19 years from now, so write down what occurs during the eclipse. Whatever is clipped out of your life or brought into your life may occur again on March 29, 2025. Now put this in your computer bank. The moon hangs out in your sign on Sunday and Monday, sending hugs to Uranus and Mercury and a kiss to Jupiter. This should bring luck your way. Mercury moves forward. No more miscommunication. Now you may begin new projects and sign contracts as communications flow easily. No more redo. That department closes down until July 4, when Mercury allows you to finish the projects you work on during the next three months.

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755 or at [email protected].

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