Putting The Pro In Improv

But only after the imp

Homer Marrs

Did you hear the one about the pirate whose pet monkey ate a robot? Neither did we (but we're sure it was hil-arrrr-ious). That's because we were busy rolling in the aisles at the unique Second City.

The troupe that launched the careers of Mike Meyers, John Belushi and Tina Fey has been the authority on American humor since its 1959 Chicago debut. While the Windy City is still home, the Las Vegas branch (now in its fifth year!) is no complacent satellite. Alumni from here are currently on Mad TV and Saturday Night Live.

So who are these talented cats? Pictured clockwise from left: Amanda Blake Davis, Craig "Sporty" Uhlir, Bridget Kloss, Andy St. Clair and Paul Mattingly make up the current five. Audience suggestions are essential, but don't expect any knock-knock jokes; this kind of comedy is more "you had to be there" than "to get to the other side."

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