MYSTIC MONA: Mom, Marriage and Jobs

Mystic Mona answers your pressing questions


Editor's note:
With this issue, the Las Vegas Weekly is pleased to debut Mystic Mona in place of the syndicated horoscope we used to toss into this space without much conviction. Mona—a Las Vegan, by the way; in fact, a psychic licensed by the city of Las Vegas—will respond to questions of interest by consulting her tarot cards. Please give her a warm Las Vegas Weekly welcome.

What About Mom?

I'm interested in knowing if my health is OK or if I just hate my job (I'm a letter carrier). I really haven't felt well in months and probably should make an appointment with a doctor. Also, do you see my 81-year-old mother reconciling with me?

Postal Gal

Dear Postal Gal,

Go to the doctor for a checkup. I think you're not feeling well because you don't like what you do to earn money. Your spirit is suffering because you are supposed to have a higher element of creativity in your work. Please find another job before it gets hot again here.

I do see that you'll reconcile with your mom. However, she's the one holding onto the grudge for some weird reason. Mail her a nice greeting card and hand-write that you love and miss her. Don't talk about what separated the two of you, because she'll get stubborn and dig in her heels. Then, every two weeks or so, send her a funny card and a little note about what's going on with you.

You can call her after you know she's received the first card, but it's likely she'll call you. Just emphasize that you love her and miss her. I promise that you'll feel a huge weight off your shoulders as soon as you send this card.

Can This Marriage Be Saved?

My wife and I have been together for 15 years. We're going through tough financial times now because I am self-employed, and we lost a great deal of money in the past year. What makes this more difficult for me is that people love my wife in public, but in private she is a much different person. She has threatened to leave me once a year for the past four years, even when we're doing great financially. Do you see us staying together? I sometimes think it would be better to have joint custody of our children and know that I will enjoy my time with them instead of having to tolerate the tension in our household.

Desperate Dad

Dear DD,

I see huge changes for you in regard to your business. This is as big as you selling the business to someone else (and then you stay on as a the director of something) or deciding you'd like to be a partner in some other small business. Please don't discount how good you are at what you do, but I see you in a whole other business by this time next year. It is absolutely necessary for you to network and don't become complacent.

As far as your relationship, your wife knows how to push your buttons. It's almost when she feels that you've become more confident within yourself that she has to be hurtful to maintain control. The next time she threatens to leave you, please say the following: "I love you, I've made a soul commitment to you, but if you think that not being in my life would make you happier, then that is the most important thing—it's up to you." Do not argue or beg her to change her mind, just act as if either answer is fine but that you'll love her either way she decides.

Do not let her make you feel "less than" anymore. I don't see you two divorcing, but I do see a little shift in the dynamics of your relationship. Things will really feel better for you by January 2004.

Career Dreams at My Age?

My husband and I are both retired, and I'm in the planning stages of going back to work in a profession that I enjoyed many years ago. What do you think my chances are of finding that type of work? Also, my husband wants to go back to work part-time at something he enjoys doing. What do you see for him?

Arizona PT

Dear Arizona PT,

Yes, you'll have a reason to celebrate and be working within three months. The job opportunity will come through a coincidental meeting, so just be prepared for it. Keep copies of your résumé with you so they are available at a moment's notice. I see your husband has something to teach others, so it's important that he has interaction with people. He'll get his job after you, so tell him in the meantime that he gets to cook all the dinners because you'll be a "working" woman!

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Mystic Mona is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the City of Las Vegas. Her live and local radio show, "Psychic View," can be heard at 10 a.m. Saturdays on Hottalk 1140 AM. You may e-mail your questions for consideration to [email protected] or visit her website at

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