
JR Hahn— Man of mistry

Photo: Beverly Poppe

Hometown: Albany, Oregon

Age: 27

Profession: Tao Beach water boy/mister

Profile: The role of Tao Beach’s water boy is to entertain, to get the party started and to dole out a refreshing mist to the pool’s roasting hens. Within minutes of arriving for his busser shift earlier this summer, JR was singled out, asked to don the 85-pound ice-water backpack and then told to doff his shirt and oil up. His mandate since then has been simple: Get the ladies wet. It’s not for everybody, he admits, and on occasion girls have nearly clobbered him for dampening their makeup and shoes. But JR loves the socializing and promotions aspect of his job.

Why I do what I do: “The enjoyment of the weather. I work at a pool in Las Vegas! I get to see people in bathing suits everyday. It’s not that bad!”

Personal tidbit: Not much of a clubber himself, JR sticks to the local bars like Buffalo Wild Wings, preferring to save his hard-earned ducats. The wholesomeness hasn’t yet rubbed off this born Texan, who is now considering a career in club management. For inspiration, he looks to his co-workers who have worked their way up from bussers to managers.

Movie I just saw: Inglourious Basterds

Latest accomplishment: Not long after posing for this shoot, JR was promoted to cabana boy, and now handles higher-end customers. Aside from playing telephone with LeBron James’ security guard over the baller’s desire for a ginger ale, “some guy in one of the one of the cabanas was like, ‘Man, I could really go for some ChapStick right now!’” JR made a 2 a.m. trip to Walgreens. Now that’s service!


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