
Four ‘Harry Potter’ characters we’re hoping to see in ‘Fantastic Beasts’


With the recent announcement that beloved wizard Albus Dumbledore (previously played by Richard Harris and Michael Gambon) would be a major character in the second of the five planned Fantastic Beasts movies (which will cover a time period of nearly 20 years overall), we starting thinking about younger versions of other characters from the Harry Potter franchise we’d like to see pop up.

Mad-Eye Moody The bug-eyed hero who gave his life in the fight against the evil Voldemort has a whole history of heroism that could be explored—back when he was young and strong and had two good eyes.

Tom Riddle The boy who will eventually become Voldemort would still be a young child even by the later years of the movies, but they could offer an early glimpse into his eventual path to evil and what set him on his way.

Dobby the House-Elf The Jar Jar Binks of the Harry Potter series was a divisive figure, but since house-elves are mystical creatures that could have long life spans, he might show up to provide a bit of comic relief.

Garrick Ollivander The proprietor of the wand shop in Diagon Alley had been creating wands for wizards for decades by the time he met Harry Potter, and he could conjure up all manner of important magical tools for the Fantastic Beasts characters.

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