
Peggy Plots Your Planets

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

You may notice a few people are a little bullheaded while the moon visits Taurus for the next few days. Go ahead and work on your goals. I know at times you feel like things are not moving fast enough. Blame the full moon on Wednesday. On Saturday, Mercury, the messenger, travels to Aquarius. You will have an opportunity to share your hopes, wishes and goals with your friends from groups, clubs and organizations. Share your knowledge with siblings and the folks in your neighborhood.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

On Saturday, Mercury moves to Aquarius. A chance to communicate with the folks in authority. Go ahead and share your knowledge. You may have an opportunity to talk about your travel plans. The moon is in your sign. Take advantage. Today is an excellent day to take care of business. The full moon Wednesday should bring a little moonlight to your bullpen. Enjoy time over the weekend with residents of your brother earth sign, Capricorn. This is the last full week of their birthday celebrations.


GEMINI (May 20-June 19)

Mercury, travels to brother air sign Aquarius. You love to communicate. Opportunity flows your way for the next few weeks. Share your knowledge. A few of you may decide to take a class or two. Good time to polish your skills. Set your goals. This afternoon is a great time to talk with the folks in the business world. Full moon Wednesday. The best time to begin new projects is between the new and full moons. Wednesday brings a full moon in Cancer. This is a powerful full moon.


CANCER (June 20-July 21)

This could be your week to meet with the people in the financial world. Mercury, the messenger, takes up residence in Aquarius, in the business section of your chart, on Saturday. You are ruled by the moon. Chill out during the full moon Wednesday in your sign. This is a powerful full moon. Take a look at joint resources. On Sunday afternoon, the energy level around the home front is fun. Spend a little time with your Capricorn friends. This is the last full week of their birthday celebrations. You could hear exciting good news this week.


LEO (July 22-August 21)

Your communication skills move forward in both business and personal life. Mercury, the messenger, is parked in your relationship department. You are the party sign of the zodiac. This is the last full week of your Capricorn friends’ month of birthday celebrations. Should you feel a little anxious, chill out. It’s the full moon Wednesday. Pay attention to your dreams. Go with your intuition. Wednesday afternoon is a good time to take care of business around the home front.


VIRGO (August 22- September 21)

You may find co-workers eager to communicate. On Saturday, Mercury, the messenger, your ruling planet, travels to Capricorn, in your daily work department. Mercury will take up residence there for the next few weeks. Should you feel a little tense this week, chill out. Full moon Wednesday. You have a few more days to work on your monthly goal. On Sunday, share your hopes, wishes and goals with your friends. You could hear unexpected good news. Talk less and listen more to what other folks have to share.


LIBRA (August 22- September 21)

Accomplishments are the name of the game. Mars sends energy for you to take action. You have an opportunity to revamp a few of your old projects. You may have a chance to communicate when Mercury, the messenger, travels to brother air sign Aquarius, where he will spend the next several weeks. Full moon Wednesday. The folks in authority take notice of your hard work. Take a little gamble, but remember, you need only one ticket to win the jackpot. Run around the playground.


SCORPIO (October 22- November 20)

Being a water sign, you really feel new and full moons. A full moon will occur Wednesday in brother water sign Cancer. This is a powerful full moon. Share your philosophies with your co-workers. Mars encourages you to go with your dreams. Mercury, the messenger, moves to Aquarius. Your home front is in the spotlight. You have an opportunity to chat with folks at home over the next few weeks. Listen to what other people have to say. Spend time with your Capricorn friends. Enjoy a birthday party.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 20)

On Saturday, Mercury travels to Aquarius. Your communication department is in the spotlight. Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac. Mars sends energy to share your hopes, wishes and goals. This is a good week to join a group, club or association. You have the green light to move forward. Should you feel a little antsy, chill out. It’s the full moon on Wednesday. The full moon puts your financial department on center stage. You have a chance to chat with the folks in the business world.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)

Happy birthday. This is the last full week of your month of birthday celebrations. Time to set your goal for the year. Remember, you need a plan to reach your goal. Your relationship department is in the spotlight. You have a chance to meet with business and personal friends this week. Share your knowledge. Full moon on Wednesday may explain why you feel a little antsy. On Sunday, you may hear unexpected good news. On Wednesday, discuss business with the people in the financial world.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

You love to chat, unique one. Mercury, the messenger, travels to your sign on Saturday. Mercury will remain there for the rest of the month. Go with your dreams. Your intuition is strong. You have another 10 days to work on your goals before your birthday arrives. A full moon occurs on Wednesday. You may feel a little antsy. This also may explain why a few of your co-workers are a little edgy. The folks in authority take notice of your accomplis


PISCES (February 19-March 19)

Do not share all your secrets. Mercury, the messenger, heads into Aquarius. For the next few weeks, it may be a good idea to talk less and listen more. Should you feel a little antsy, chill out. The water signs—Cancer, Scorpio and you—feel more of the effects of both new and full moons. This is a powerful full moon in Cancer. It shines bright on the fun, love and luck department of your chart. Go ahead and take a little gamble. Lady Luck takes center stage. Remember, it takes only one ticket to win, so don’t bet the pond.

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