
Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of January 2

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

Relax. Mars, your ruling planet, squares off with the sun in Capricorn today. This is not a good time to chat with the folks in authority. Two new moons this month. Go ahead and set your goal for the month. The first new moon occurred on Wednesday. You will get another chance later this month with a blue moon on the 30th. Your relationship department takes center stage while Mars visits Libra until mid-July in 2014. With Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, visiting the home front, you may make a few changes around the house.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

Set your goal for the month. A new moon occurred on Wednesday, and you will get another opportunity on January 30 with the second new moon of the month—a blue moon. Do not share your knowledge with the folks in the workplace today. They may not agree with you when the sun squares off with Mars, the red planet. Your energy will be strong in your daily work for the new year. Mars visits the daily work area of your chart until mid-July. For Mars, this is an unusually long visit to a sign. Take advantage. Use the energy wisely.


GEMINI (May 20-June 19)

You are fond of fellow air sign Aquarius' energy. Good for you. The moon remains in Aquarius for the next few days. Go ahead and set your goal for the month. You will get another chance January 30 with the second new moon of the month, described as a blue moon. Monday is a great day to meet with the folks in the business world with four planets in your financial department, Take advantage . Time to look at your joint resources as well as your personal affairs. Mars sends energy while he visits the third air sign, Libra.


CANCER (June 20-July 21)

Keep your words on the tender side today. The sun squares off with Mars. The folks on the home front could be a little edgy. OK, make your wish and set your goal for the month. You are ruled by the moon. Two new moons this month. The first one occurred Wednesday, and as the month winds down, a blue moon arrives on the 30th. Your relationship department is in the spotlight while four planets visit Capricorn this week. Opportunity could arrive, thanks to Jupiter in your sign.


LEO (July 22-August 21)

This is not the day to debate with the folks in your workplace. You are ruled by the sun. The sun squares off with Mars. Others may not share your views. Write down your wishes and set your goals for the next few weeks. You will get a second chance later this month when a blue moon arrives. Your daily work takes center stage for the next week while four planets visit Capricorn, the worker of the zodiac. Spend a little time with your Capricorn friends this week and wish them a happy birthday. Enjoy the party.


VIRGO (August 22- September 21)

Your intuition is right on. Listen to it. We know you love to communicate. You are ruled by Mercury, the messenger. Keep your words on the tender side today. The Capricorn sun squares off with Mars this afternoon. Not a good time to share your values or talk about your income. Jupiter brings an opportunity to meet with groups, clubs and organizations. Go ahead and share your knowledge. Take a little gamble on Sunday. Lady Luck smiles while four planets visit the fun, love and luck department of your chart.


LIBRA (August 22- September 21)

Mars, the red planet of action and energy, entered your sign back in December. Because of his retrograde movements, Mars will remain in your sign until July 26. This is an unusually long stay for Mars. Good for you. Mars is full of energy. Take advantage of the long visit. With four planets in Capricorn, play it cool with the folks on the home front today. Mars will square off with the sun in Capricorn. Do not forget your wish list for the month. Remember, you need a plan to reach your goals. On Wednesday, remain focused.


SCORPIO (October 22- November 20)

Keep your words on the tender side if you chat with your siblings or the folks in your neighborhood today. The sun in Capricorn squares off with Mars. Go ahead and join your Capricorn friends on Sunday. Wish them a happy birthday. You may decide to set your goal for the next few weeks. Do not forget your wish list. On Monday, share your knowledge. Seek the advice you desire. The red planet in Libra brings an opportunity to work behind the scenes. Pay attention to your intuition. If it feels good, wear it.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 20)

Two new moons this month. There is a blue moon on the 30th of this month. Make your wish list and set your goal for the next few weeks. Remember, you may find a good plan to reach your goals for 2014. Today is not the day to share your goals with others. They may not agree. That's right. The sun squares off with Mars, the planet of action and energy. Do not talk about your income or what you value. Monday is a good time to talk about your dreams. And you may go ahead and share your values.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)

Happy birthday. Enjoy your birthday week. With four planets in your sign, you will be noticed. A new moon brings new opportunities. Write down your wishes and set your goals for the next few weeks. A second new moon, a blue moon, occurs this month. Take advantage. Enjoy Sunday with friends and family. Monday is a good day to meet with groups, clubs and organizations. Share your new ideas and talk about your goals. Mars, the red planet, squares off with your sun today. This is not a good day for business.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

Dear Aquarius, you are the unique sign of the zodiac. With four planets in Capricorn, your intuition is strong. Go with your feelings. Mars squares off with the sun today. Do not share your unique knowledge or your dreams today. Monday is the day to meet with the folks in authority. Share your knowledge. Two new moons this month. The 30th brings a blue moon. Write down your wishes and set a goal for the month. Wish your Capricorn friends a happy birthday this week.


PISCES (February 19-March 19)

The new moon sends a wink to your pond. This month, we have two new moons. This is a blue moon month. This is not a good day for business or dealing with the folks in the financial world. Mars squares off with the sun. Sunday is a good day to celebrate with your Capricorn friends. Sing happy birthday. Enjoy the party. Monday is a great day to get your business affairs in order. The moon will be in your sign on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Good for you. Have a nice weekend.

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